Bienvenue sur Secrets de Shakti votre Boutique sur le Sexe Sacré et conscient.

Vous trouverez sur notre boutique des formations sur le Tantra, cette pratique multimillénaire qui peut vous aider à faire l’expérience de l’amour inconditionnel et de la jouissance de l'âme.

Mais également de nombreux produits comme les bâtons de shakti (Yoni Wands), les œufs de yoni ou encore de nombreux accessoires de massage pour réveiller la déesse qui sommeille en vous.

Chez Secrets de Shakti, nous croyons que le service à la clientèle est la clé. Nous réagissons rapidement et trouvons des solutions pour chaque client de manière personnalisée.

What are Shakti sticks for?

Shakti wands are also made of semi-precious stones. They can have different sizes and shapes. In addition to the therapeutic qualities of stones, their practice unlike eggs (more of a passive/feminine practice) is active/masculine.

They help to stimulate blood circulation in the Yoni and promote pleasure and orgasms.

The Shakti sticks stimulate the clitoris, the point G and point A fornix anterior) which are the 3 Taoist gates of tantric orgasm in women.

They allow a gentle and reassuring exploration of female pleasure.

Discover the poles

Comment utiliser nos bâtons de Shakti ?

  • Rose Quartz [S/M/L]

    Usual price From €28,00 EUR
    Usual price €28,00 EUR Sale price From €28,00 EUR
    Oeuf de Quartz Rose | Secrets de ShaktiOeuf de Quartz Rose | Secrets de Shakti
  • Aventurine [S/M/L]

    Usual price From €27,00 EUR
    Usual price Sale price From €27,00 EUR
    Oeuf de d'Aventurine | Secrets de ShaktiOeuf de d'Aventurine | Secrets de Shakti
  • Tiger Eye [S/M/L]

    Usual price From €25,00 EUR
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    Oeuf d'Oeil de tigre | Secrets de ShaktiOeuf d'Oeil de tigre | Secrets de Shakti
  • Opalite [S/M/L]

    Usual price From €26,00 EUR
    Usual price Sale price From €26,00 EUR
    Oeuf d'Opalite | Secrets de ShaktiOeuf d'Opalite | Secrets de Shakti

What are Yoni Eggs used for?

Yoni eggs are eggs made of semi-precious stones (known for their
therapeutic properties) that can be pierced to pass a thread or
not. They fit into our Yoni (feminine sex in Sanskrit) and
are used for their many virtues.

They help to tonify the perineum, stimulate sexual energy, greatly enhance libido and improve vagina lubrication. They increase sexual pleasure, promote orgasms and increase their intensity.

Yoni Eggs promote a sense of grounding and inner peace.

Discover the eggs

They recommend Secrets of Shakti

What is Tantra?

Tantra is a multi-millennial discipline associated with Yoga.

Tantra is above all a subtle energy discipline of purification which allows access to the feeling of unconditional love and the liberation of the soul.

Tantra yoga considers two main energies "Shiva" the masculine principle without form or
matter, the pure intellect... and "Shakti" the feminine principle, the matrix that gives form, chaotic matter. The practice of Tantra aims to unify the feminine and masculine principles present in each being, which brings deep well-being, inner peace and awakening of the samadhi consciousness”.

“There is nothing wrong with sex
as long as it is done with love. »

Sexuality is a tool for liberation and awakening. Our deep nature is ecstatic enjoyment. Opening up the body to orgasmic waves allows us to anchor joy and love in our daily lives.

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